Red Helmet Training
 Call us: (909)466-4671
Red Helmet Training (SoCal) 8560 Vineyard Avenue Suite 301, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Red Helmet Training (Central) 3437 West Shaw Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711
HomeAbout UsContact UsCSFM CoursesStrategy & TacticsPromotional TrainingUpcoming Courses

Blue Helmet 
White Helmet 
Chief Officer
Black Helmet Wildland Fire Training
Yellow Helmet Firefighter Prep.
Red Helmet 
Company Officer
Orange Helmet
Green Helmet 
Disaster Prep. Training
Rescue Helmet 
Tech. Rescue Training
Company Officer Classes - Level 2
Company Officer 2D - CSTI Haz-Mat IC
Company Officer 2E - S-290 Classroom Version

Course Prequisites
The Class Prerequisites are required to be presented before the start of class. These can be in the form of certificates, letters of completion from a certified instructor or institution. Other options may be available but they are on a limited case by case basis. Contact us for other options.
Chief Officer Classes - Level 3
ICS-300 - Prerequisite is ICS-200
All Chief Officer 3 Courses require completion of Company Officer Level 2
Wildland S-Classes
ICS-200 - Prerequisite is ICS-100
S-131 Wildland Firefighter Type I - Prerequisite is ICS-200, S-130, S-190, L-180
S-200 Initial Attack IC - Qualified as a Single Resource Boss
S-215 Structure Protection - Prerequisite is S-131, Qualified as a Firefighter Type I
S-230 Crew Boss - Prerequisite is S-290*, Qualified as a Firefighter Type I
S-231 Engine Boss - Prerequisite is S-230, Qualified as a Firefighter Type I
S-234 Ignition Operations - Prerequisite is S-290*
S-270 Basic Air Operations - Prerequisite is None
S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior - Prerequisite is S-190
S-330 Strike Team Leader - Prerequisite is S-290*, ICS 300, Qual. Single Resource Boss
S-339 Division Group Supervisor - Prerequisite is S-330, ICS 300
S-404 Safety Officer - Prerequisite is None

*The S-290 Online Course is acceptable for Single Resource Boss Level Only.
The Classroom S-290 is required for S-330 Strike Team Leader 
The classroom version is required as a prerequisite for Company Officer 2E.

Executive Chief Classes - Level 4
ICS-400 - Prerequisite is ICS-300
All Chief Officer 3 Courses require completion of Chief Officer Level 3