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​The Art of Reading Buildings
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August 16, 2016
Red Helmet Training
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
August 17, 2016
Fire Nuggets
Berkeley, CA
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This class will take a whole new approach to reading residential-commercial buildings and is designed to provide essential tools that are based on a simple four step method to assist in making rapid street-reads. These reads will assist in determining the primary factors of strength, weaknesses, collapse hazards, new construction features, and evaluating fireground time as the time necessary to accomplish any fireground operation is one of the foundations of safe and effective operations. 

Once attendees are introduced to the four-step method of reading buildings, multiple 360-degree views of buildings will be used to enhance the learning.

Tired of the usual, boring building construction classes? We know it’s an important topic – yet find the classes difficult to choke down. Well, this class takes a whole new approach that is designed to provide essential tools and practice in making rapid street-reads on buildings. Dave Dodson and John Mittendorf (retired BC, Los Angeles City Fire, CA) have collaborated in developing this day-long, practical classroom session that should be mandatory for all company officers and Battalion Chiefs.

I. Boring Stuff – or is it?
• Imposition/Forces
• Materials and Fire/Heat
• Structural Elements and Key terms
II. Knowing the Bones – and the Traps of Categorizing Buildings
• The trap of the “Five Types” 
• Alternative Construction
III. Predicting Opportunity and Collapse
IV. Using Rapid Street-Read Guides: Sets & Reps Practice

CHIEF JOHN MITTENDORF has more than 30 years of experience with the City of Los Angeles Fire Department, where he served as a chief officer in field operations and as the commander of the In-Service Training Section. Chief Mittendorf has been a member of the National Fire Protection Research Foundation on Engineered Lightweight Construction Technical Advisory Committee; provided training programs for the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburgh, Maryland, the University of California at Los Angeles, the British Fire Academy at Morton-in-Marsh, England; and acted in an advisory capacity for five college fire science advisory boards. 

The author of numerous fireground articles for fire service magazines in the United States and Europe, he currently lectures in the United States and United Kingdom on Strategy and Tactics, Truck Company Operations, Fireground Operations, Ventilation Operations, The Complete Fire Officer, and is a member of the editorial advisory board to Fire Engineering magazine. Chief Mittendorf is the author of the recently released book Truck Company Operations, published by Fire Engineering magazine.

Class Flyer
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