This course provides instruction and simulation time pertaining to the initial decision and action processes at a working fire. Topics include the fire officer, fire behavior, fireground resources, operations, and management.
Simulations will be utilizing *Digital Combustion and Table Top Simulators.
This course provides the student with information on tactics, strategies, and scene management for multi-casualty incidents, hazardous materials incidents, and wildland fires. Each student also has the opportunity to increase his or her knowledge and skills by handling initial operations at these types of incidents through simulation and class activities.
All of our Command classes are enhanced with added value presentations and classroom activities. This includes special training material from the Everyone Goes Home Program and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Every student also receives a CD of all of the training powerpoints presented in the class. As always, we will also be utilizing our table top simulators to create those slides in your mental slide carousel to help prepare you for the next incident.
We look forward to seeing you in the classroom!!! Red Helmet Training
Simulations utilizing digital combustion for condition reports, strategy and tactics.
Command and Control is being able to plan for the unexpected and knowing your resources
This course is designed around the responsibilities of the Company Officer at a wildland / urban interface incident. It will bring the structural Company Officer out of the city and into the urban interface. Digital and table top simulations will be utilized.